Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Early on, I began to read books about angels. I heard a first hand account about feathers as signs from angels helping. I had never been a church going or a very religous person, even though I have always believed in God and have always prayed.

One day last Fall, I was in a used bookstore looking for some craft books. I repeatedly kept turning around (at least five times) and all I saw were books about Jesus or God. I think this was a message from God that I needed to turn to Him. I think He was 'pointing' me to Him.

Since that day, I've been studying everything about God that I can get my hands on. It has really helped me a lot. I have great peace in my life now.

My husband and I pray together every night for my healing. We also pray for others during this time.


Bill said...

Susan,I stumbled across your blog and stopped to read and could not pass you by without wishing you well ( thats WELL).Bill.

Bill said...

Wow! TWO comments! I forgot to mention my blog. It has nothing to do with cancer but it does sota sneak up on God and the adventurous spirit. If nothing else there is a list of great quotes. Bill. http:// gardheim.blogspot.com/

dutchindian said...

Your blog site is wonderful. Inspiring and so much great information. I look forward to more posts!
I wanted to recommend a great site: http://www.dailyom.com/
I get a daily inspirational article and really enjoy it.
Take care - Julie