Sunday, June 8, 2008


I'm sorry it's been so long since an update. I've been off of Chemo for 7 weeks due to internal bleeding. However, I've been told from several Dr's that a long chemo break was needed. I finally completed the latest round of testing last week and the results show the tumor breaking through the stomach lining. But the better news is that I just started my chemo treatments back up again.

During the big chemo break, I have been feeling good and spent lots of time with my family. Both of my children (Robbie and Karlie) now live in the area as Robbie recently graduated college.

Some other and more positive changes that have happened recently are:
1. Started practicing Qigong (per my naturopathic recommendation). This has been very helpful for me. I was surprised to find that I really enjoy it. It's very relaxing while doing the Qigong and I find myself very energized when I'm finished. It takes about an hour, and I do it about 4 to 5 times each week

2. Switched insurance providers, mainly so that more options are available to me. But that also meant a new Dr and clinic. (see Professional Support on the left sidebar).

3. Joined a Cancer Support Group through our church . We had the first meeting today and it was very good for both me and my husband. We are looking forward to the next get together.

I am excited to have been able to provide a few books to persons stricten with cancer. One of them was for the senior pastor of our church, who recently was diagnosed with cancer.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue!
I'm glad you are back on track and finding so many new things to try and learn about. You are an inspiration! Thinking about you night & day!
Mary :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Sue,

Bunker sent me an update on your medical status recently. Keep doing what you are doing and fight this thing. We are thinking of you.

Kick some butt,

Scott G.